Mental Health


You may be looking at this page because you don’t want to start taking antidepressant. You may have found that they don’t agree with you or you are not getting the expected improvement from them.

Homeopaths have the advantage of being able to choose from a large number of different remedies according to the individual persons symptoms and the situation they are in.

For example we would differentiate by causations, i.e., anxiety/depression — as a result of brain injury, grief and loss of loved ones, loss of business, money or workplace, continued bullying.

Another way of differentiating would be by types of personality

People who are easily overburdened by responsibility of family or job, perfectionists who get worried easily, people who suffer from lack of confidence socially, people who are super sensitive and get affected by problems of family or friends.

Apart from the above factors Homeopaths will ask for further details about you, your personality your nature, the things you love or hate. We look for the characteristics which are unique to you in order to find the Homeopathic medicine which is most suited to you.

The prescription is predominantly based on the symptoms, that are individual to you, rather than the symptoms that are common in most people who suffer from anxiety or depression.
Wonderful results can emerge when you take a remedy, which resonates with the qualities of those unique characteristics. Our satisfied clients have reported feeling lighter, more like their "normal” own self, more energised yet relaxed and able to sleep better.

This process may take several visits however and its important you fully engage and feel comfortable with the practitioner you are working with.

Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your personal situation.

Like to find out how Homeopathy can help you?

You are welcome to schedule an appointment or ask Elisabeth a question.

Homeopathy Centre

The Homeopathy Centre is operating under the umbrella organisation of Otakaro Healing Arts at 232 Fitzgerald Avenue in Christchurch.

Get In Touch

Elisabeth Fink
021 029 32753

Helen Kennedy
021 649 555

Clinic Hours

By appointment only