Men's Health


When men come to the Homeopathy Centre, it is likely they have been sent by their partners, wives or girlfriends.

Males are generally more comfortable within the orthodox medical system if they need treatment. According to that model, common conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol or stomach ulcers are usually considered chronic and genetically pre-determined and can only be treated by taking medication for life.

There is modern research however which indicates that genetics are not set in concrete, but rather that genetic codes can respond and change according to the environment they are in. See
It means if the environment within the body is changed, so too is the pattern by which cells are re-constucted. After all, individual cells die and renew themselves periodically throughout a person’s lifetime.

Stress and anxiety or bad nutrition provide a poor environment for the cells, which is not conducive to reproduce new, healthy building blocks.

What can Homeopathy do for men?

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed according to specific physical symptoms as well as the individual's personality, health history and inherited family history.

From our observation in Homeopathic clinics, it seems that successful treatments change the vibrational environment within the body. We find that clients report feeling more relaxed, more energised and more positive.
Within this new internal environment, the stress symptoms (which may be acidity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or others) can return to normal. Apart from prescribing the indicated remedies the Homeopath will also support the client in changing his diet if necessary and encouraging him to get an exercise program. This change in lifestyle improves the internal environment even more, creating conditions that support the growth of healthier cells and healthy body chemistry and most of all an inner sense of wellbeing.


Hypertension, depression, anxiety are the most common problems we have treated the Homeopathy Centre. We can also help with sports injuries, muscular tension or sexual dysfunction.

If your specific concerns are not mentioned on our site please call us and find out what we may be able to do for you.

"A great diversity of strength lies hidden in these plants themselves, whose external features we have long known, but whose souls, we have not yet perceived." — A. von Haller

Homeopathy Centre

The Homeopathy Centre is operating under the umbrella organisation of Otakaro Healing Arts at 232 Fitzgerald Avenue in Christchurch.

Get In Touch

Elisabeth Fink
021 029 32753

Helen Kennedy
021 649 555

Clinic Hours

By appointment only