Behavioural/Learning Disabilities
Homeopathic treatments for any illness include looking at the mental, emotional and physical aspects of every situation. When treating learning disabilities Homeopathy works well alongside other therapies. When there is a physical problem it tends to affect the mental and emotional state and vice versa.
Clinically Diagnosed Behaviour Disabilities
Autism Spectrum disorders including Asperger’s Syndrome
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
This disorder is characterised by developmentally inappropriate degrees of inattentiveness, over-activity and impulsiveness. It seems to be far more common in boys than girls (6:1) and is usually present from infancy. Statistically up to 60% may carry some degree of the disorder into adulthood. Accurate diagnosis of ADHD is very important.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorders (pervasive development disorders, PDD) are lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders with onset before 36 months of age. A characteristic feature is impairment of social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication skills and steriotyped behaviour and activities.The spectrum can be grouped as: Autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, Atypical autism, Rett syndrome.
Autistic Disorder
As described by Kanner in 1943 it is a PDD (pervasive development disorder) commencing early in childhood; it affects at least 4 children in 10,000, boys four times as commonly as girls. It is not due to faulty parenting or birth trauma, but it is a biological disorder of the CNS (central nervous system) which may have many organic aetiologies.
Many autistic children appear physically healthy and well developed although there is an association with a range of other disorders, such as Tourrete’s disorder, Tuberous Sclerosis, Epilepsy (up to 30% onset, usually in adolescence) and Rubella Encephalopathy. The children show many disturbed behaviours.
The main features are:
Onset during infancy and early childhood. An impairment of social interactions shown by at least two of the following: Lack of awareness of other people’s feelings, absent or abnormal comfort seeking in response to distress, lack of limitation or boundaries, absent or impaired ability to socialise, which could also include gaze avoidance.Impairment in communication as shown by at least one of the following:
Lack of babbling, gesture, mime or spoken language, absent or abnormal non-verbal communication. Abnormalities in the form or content of speech, poor ability to initiate or sustain conversation. Restricted or repetitive range of activities shown in at least one of the following: Stereotyped body movements, persistent and unusual preoccupations and rituals with objects or activities. Severe distress over changes in routine or environment. An absence of imaginative play.The earliest signs of autistic spectrum disorder in infancy include:
Excessive crying, no response to cuddling if crying, failure to mould the body in anticipation of being picked up, stiffening the body or resisting when being held, resistance to a change in routine, appearing to be deaf, failing to respond or over reacting to sensory stimuli, persistent failure to imitate gestures such as waving good bye, need for minimal sleep. Diagnosis remains difficult before the age of 2 years.Dyslexia
The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek term meaning ‘difficulty with words’. It was originally called word blindness, referring to an SLD(specific learning difficulty) with reading. Dyslexic children have a normal IQ and no physical problems, but their reading skills are below average. Other SLDs may also present, particularly in spelling, writing and clear speaking.
The two main features are reading and spelling difficulties because dyslexic children confuse certain letters whose shape is similar, perhaps a mirror image of each other (eg confusing b with d and p with q). This means that affected children cannot properly use and interpret the knowledge they have acquired.
Signs may include: A reluctance to read aloud, a monotonous voice when reading, following the text with the finger when reading, difficulty with repeating long words.
Whilst these features are seen in many learners, if they persist in a bright child, dyslexia should be considered. The most important factor in management is to recognise the problem early and finding the apropriate support.
Specific Learning Disorders
A specific learning disability (SLD) is an unexpected and unexplained condition, occurring in a child of average or above intelligence with a significant delay in one or more areas of learning. These areas include spelling, reading, writing, arithmatic, language (comprehension and expression), attention and organisation skills, co-ordination and social and emotional development. An SLD can vary from very mild to quite severe. If it is undetected by parents, any undisclosed SLD will soon be apparent in the classroom. Sometimes the disability is not detected until around the age of 8 or even older when more demanding schoolwork is required. Speech delays, reading difficulties and calculation problems are among the first signs. It is important to check hearing and vision as these factors can be the causation.
Sometimes children develop a behavioural disorder as a result of ridicule by other children and tend to develop a poor self-image and low self esteem. Homeopathy can help with anxiety and help children relax, their focus and attention can go to learning. It works well alongside other therapies and supportive interventions.
Find out if Homeopathy can help your child.
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